Kate Carey working Kenzie Andrews, using the KySienn ProCore Board

KySienn Pro Sports has teamed up with Kate Carey

KySienn Pro Sport has teamed up with Kate Carey from Pilates Unlimited. Together we have worked very closely to bring our incredible ‘Pro Sports’ range to market. The ProCore Board, ProFitness Ring and ProGliders will help enhance any dancers/athletes or anyone wanting to improve their core. These three different pieces of equipment enables so many different types of exercises for anyone to enjoy – from beginners to advanced.

Pilates Unlimited is owned and operated by Kate Carey, a certified STOTT PILATES instructor who has been teaching Pilates in Brisbane since 2000. Kate is an expert on all things ‘core’ and offers this advice for dancers. “Pilates, with a focus on core work, helps dancers to rectify the imbalances they tend to create in the studio. It could be that they have just finished a hard class or a particularly difficult lead up to a high pressure competition and need to release and work through the tension in their bodies.  Or that they’re in a rehearsal period and want to work hard to increase their strength and flexibility, which helps improve performance.

KySienn Pro Sports range is the perfect tool to achieve core strength, with a focus on alignment and length, helps to aid and enhance dancing.

For a range of instructional videos on how to use the Pro Sports range, please visit our YouTube Channel KySienn Accessories.

KySienn ProFitness Ring Pink
KySienn ProFitness Ring
KySienn ProGliders Blue
KySienn ProGliders

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